Monday, January 11, 2010

Future of IT - Robotics, AI or BI?

Current decade will see more advancement in Robotics
and AI. In fact japan is much advanced in robotics. They are trying to put all five senses in robots. Engineers are working to create a robot that has human like intelligence, can think, and take decisions and can replace human job functions such as teachers, nurses(medical robots), doctors and other highly paid job functions. Some of the job functions have successfully been replaced such as cashiers(Automated check out counters), tellers (ATM with deposit functions and other job functions).

Now many software tools and applications have been generated that has reduced or replaced many programmers functions. Basically "A" (humans) are working hard to create "B" (machine or robot) to replace "A". One thing is clear that our intentions are not for the benefits of human kind though we always market it(to improve efficiency) as the benefit to human society.

Has any person ever thought what human will do after that? Feeding these machines, programming them, removing their bugs, making roads so that these machines can work smoothly. After that what?

On the other hand we all humans are more like robots. We are pre programmed to do certain tasks like (taking breath, doing other routine jobs) when we are born. Then we are programmed(thru educations) more to do certain specific tasks. Over a period of time we build intelligence through programming and (response feed back loop). The production process of these robots is very environment friendly. It does not need huge area to produce. And we are six billions in numbers, with different intelligence, thinking power and abilities.

These robots just need right programming(education and training) and a right communication protocol( Common language and culture knowledge). We need right programmers (teachers, political leaders, trainers) to use these robots (that anyway we want to build thru technologies).

I think a time has come when we need the right marriages between machine and humans and not divorces(replacing humans with machines).

We engineers and doctors have a larger role to play than anybody else in society. IT engineers hold the key for the future of humans.

Borrowing from Future

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”

When we borrow money we pay it back with interest, when we borrow a car we fill it with gas, and when we borrow our friends clothes we clean them before we return them. However when we borrow the future from our children we look to be giving it back to them broken and worn, with no resources to fix it with. With every clock tick our future turns to become our present.

We are facing the current problem because we borrowed too much in the past from our future. We reached to a point where we have to work longer as we cannot afford our retirement. We have created a huge debt (and still building) that we will not be able to pay back.

We are building gas guzzler and satisfying our ego and pride and creating a future for our kids without cars. With science we know it takes 700 to 1000 years before a jungle woods can convert into coal or oil.

We are searching extraterrestrial life and destroying life on our own planet.

It is the time when we all intellectuals to come forward and join hands together to slow down our future borrowing. We are automating and replacing humans faster than creating jobs for them.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Cloud Computing - Web based word editing First commonly used App

In cloud computing based applications the Web based Word is the first commonly used application. In this the word application is not installed on your local desktop or laptop machine. Insted this is available on cloud server. Therefore you don't need to have costly Microsoft office application installed on your local machine.
Also the word document that you create is stored on the servers in the cloud. So wherever and whenever you need this it is available for you.

This is very useful when you want same word document to be shared and updated by multiple users spread across the globe. This kind of collaboration is not possible when you have document on your local computer or on your office computer. Also one very useful application of web based word application is that you can not lose your work. It is saved and is available for you even when you close the browser or shut down your computer. You can show it to your customers if internet connection is available.

Best of all most of the web based word applications at present are available for free. It is very useful for small businesses and casual users. In general these applications have most of the commonly used features of Microsoft Word application.

Is web based Word Processor right for you?

Before you start using a web based word processor or a cloud service, you need to ask if this is the right service for your need.

Here are some of the uses, where this holds a promise.

Beginners: If you are a new user and just starting the word processing then web based word is a right choice for you. Google Docs will be a good choice to start learning. Though this has a limited functionality and is a good place to begine with.
Casual Users: If you are a modest user then web based word is a good choice. If you are just writing some memos and letters then look for this solution with the assumptions that these letters and memos are not sensitive to privacy and critical to your business.
Access at Multiple Locations: If you need to access your document at multiple locations and too frequently then web based solution you can look for. Storing your document in cloud gives you flexibility to access the document even when you forget to carry your laptop.
Document Collaborators: If you share and collaborate on your documents for editing the data on the document then web based word processing is one good solution to your needs.

As I have discussed so far who should use it, it is also fair to write who should not use this service.
No Internet Users If you have limited access to internet then you should not opt for this service as the minimum requirement is that you should have access to fast internet connection.
Sensitive Documents: If your documents are sensitive in nature with respect to your privacy or business then you should not opt for this service. In that case storing document on your computer with restricted access will be a better option. No matter what Internet is not 100% secure.
Highly Formatted Document If you like to have fancy formatting on your documents or love macro based formatting then web based word is not the right choice for you. Having word copy installed on your local machine will be a better choice for you. Also if you like to have fancy printouts then also web based word is not a good choice.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Cloud Computing - A Technology or a Buying model

In my last post I have written about the "Cloud Computing" and who should use it.  But let us see if this is a technology or a buying model. Cloud computing is all about computing outside of your firewall and sharing the resources. I will not classify this as a Technology. Here SaaS as technolgy plays an important role.

Long time ago when electricity was invented there was no concept of public distribution of electricity. Every home was having it's own electricity producing machines. Then came the concept of "Electricity Grid". And electricity was distributed to each home at a cost effective manner.

Cloud computing is similar to the concept of "Electricity Grid" and "electricity distribution". Here the computing power is available in the form of many computers and servers working as grid and available in cloud. The data (electricity) is distributed and made available to your need via internet.

The concept seems simple and public appealing. However there are still issues remaining of pricing. Here pricing of this service is the key. As the software applications that you will be using depends on the need and quality of the application. At present most of the applications are available as free service. But it is becoming more challenging for companies to develop a sustainable revenue model.

While this concept can help many of the small businesses to use the technology in a simple manner without investing too much into technology infrastructure. However this also pose a significant risk of your data and documents being stored outside of your organization boundaries.

I will still consider this more like a Buying model than a technology. Coming years will tell us if this will be a sustainable business model in a technology world.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Cloud Computing - What is this all about?

Now a days everyone is talking about Cloud Computing. It is a hot buzz word right now. But what does it mean to you and your business let's examine.

What is Cloud Computing?

In a traditional form of computing the documents that you create are stored on to your desktop or on server. Though this can be shared among the computers connected on to networks. To open these documents the software must be installed onto your local computers. Each of your operation is PC centric.

In cloud computing the software programs that you use are not stored on your local computers but are accessed using the Internet. These programs and your files and data are stored onto servers that can be accessed via Internet and you can use them whenever and wherever you want it. That means your word document or your business presentation can be stored on the server and whenever you need it to open you can do it on your local computer without having to install MS Word or PowerPoint on your local computers. That mean your PC is not so important to save or access the document.

That sounds excellent and money saving. But let us examine it little more. Is it for everyone?

You should not think about it if..

You don't have broadband Internet connection. As you know in Cloud computing the computing is done outside of your firewall. The minimum requirement for you to use the cloud computing is that you should have access to Internet.

You should not use it if privacy and security of your document is a concern. The biggest concern for the use of Internet is the data security. Though companies are claiming that their networks are secure but this is a true fact that Internet is not 100% secure. As your file and documents are stored out side of your home or office (on to the servers of your service providers) you are not guaranteed for the security. Though the service providers are claiming that data is 100% secure but still their are cases of data theft around the world.

In my next post I will be writing in detail about the cloud computing. Various collaboration models and applications.